Venue: Theater aan het Vrijthof
Presenter: Theater aan het Vrijthof
Xploding Plastix / Work from The Order of Things*
Derek Charke / Cercle du Nord III * European premiere
Traditional (arr. Kronos, transc. Ljova) / Tusen Tankar (A Thousand Thoughts) +
Alexandra du Bois / Night Songs (Nachtliederen), String Quartet No. 3 * Dutch premiere
I. Ontvouwen (Unfolding)
II. Lente en Zomer (Spring and Summer)
III. Stacheldraht (Barbed Wire)
IV. Het Denkende Hart (The Thinking Heart)
V. Niet Verzonden Brieven (Unsent Letters)
VI. Zoeklicht (Searchlight)
Michael Gordon / The Sad Park * Dutch premiere
Part 1 two evil planes broke in little pieces and fire came
Part 2 there was a big boom and then there was teeny fiery coming out
Part 3 I just heard that on the news that the buildings are crashing down
Part 4 and all the persons that were in the airplane died
Played without pause
* Written for Kronos
+ Arranged for Kronos
Venue: Toorak Uniting Church
Presenter: Melbourne International Arts Festival
Venue: Melbourne Recital Centre
Presenter: Melbourne International Arts Festival
Venue: Melbourne Recital Centre
Presenter: Melbourne International Arts Festival
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