We are delighted to announce that The Green Fog, a film by Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson and Galen Johnson, with an original score composed by Jacob Garchik and performed by Kronos, has received the Los Angeles Film Critics Association’s Douglas Edwards Independent/Experimental Film Award. The score for the film was also recently named one of “The 10 Best Movie Scores of 2018” by critic Bilge Ebiri for New York magazine’s culture website Vulture.
The project was commissioned by SFFILM and Stanford Live with support from Nion McEvoy.
“The Green Fog, created by filmmaker/cultural iconoclast Guy Maddin with co-directors Evan Johnson and Galen Johnson, with composer Jacob Garchik and Kronos Quartet, pays homage to Alfred Hitchcock’s spellbinding Vertigo. Inventive and invigorating, this ‘San Francisco Fantasia’ is lauded by the New York Times as ‘a marvel of film scholarship.’ It’s also a lot of fun. Maddin, working with his Forbidden Room collaborators, set himself the challenge to remake Vertigowithout using footage from the Hitchcock classic, creating a ‘parallel-universe version,’ in his words. Using Bay Area footage from a variety of sources—studio classics, ‘50s noir, experimental films, and ‘70s prime-time TV—and employing Maddin’s mastery of assemblage, the result exerts the inexorable pull of Hitchcock’s tale of erotic obsession while paying tribute to the city of San Francisco.” Learn more >